Non-surgical methods of face and body rejuvenation

Time does not spare female beauty. But if earlier the fair sex could only reckon withwoman's face after rejuvenation procedureinevitable, today there are many techniques that allow you to return young without even resorting to plastic surgery. Let's talk about some of the most popular of these methods.


Peeling means exfoliation of the upper layer of the skin, which leads to the elimination of fine wrinkles, irregularities and other cosmetic defects. Depending on the intensity and effectiveness of the impact, peeling is divided into a number of varieties:

  • exposure to light to fruit acids;
  • medium intensity exposure with trichloroacetic acid;
  • deep chemical peel with phenol.


This procedure is based on the use of high intensity light sources that stimulate the formation of collagen fibers. Photorejuvenation is recommended for the following indications:

  • vascular networks;
  • age-related skin changes;
  • enlarged pores;
  • age spots on the face and body.

Photorejuvenation allows you to achieve the desired result without disturbing the skin surface, which makes this method absolutely non-traumatic.


When using this method, special preparations (fibroblasts, hyaluronic acid, bioactive substances) are introduced into the inner layers of the skin by means of microinjections, which promote the formation of collagen and skin rejuvenation. To enhance the effect, it is possible to apply several drugs at the same time. Mesotherapy helps to effectively combat wrinkles and cosmetic skin imperfections, helps eliminate the double chin and restore facial contours.

Ozone rejuvenation

This technique consists in introducing ozone injections in the most problematic areas of the face and body: for example, in the nasolabial folds or in the upper and lower eyelids. The treatment helps smooth out wrinkles and stimulates skin renewal.

Laser correction

This procedure is laser skin resurfacing. The laser painlessly smoothes the problematic upper layers of the skin and in the deeper layers leads to the reduction of collagen fibers and, consequently, to the effect of a facelift.

Laser correction helps eliminate the following problems:

  • fine wrinkles;
  • scar changes in the skin after acne;
  • freckles and age-related pigmentation;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

Botox injections

The essence of the procedure is to rejuvenate the skin with the help of injections of botulinum toxin preparations (Botox), which block the transmission of neuromuscular impulses. As a result of the procedure, the facial muscles stop receiving signals that induce contraction, which leads to smoothing of the skin above them.

Such injections are most effective when used to remove glabellar and nasolabial folds, as well as to mimic wrinkles around the eyes. The effect of the procedure lasts about a year, after which the injection must be repeated. However, the prices of botox and the lack of dependence on the drug allow this procedure to be carried out as often as necessary.

Lymphatic drainage

Wrinkles aren't the only problem that comes with age. Over the years, most women develop cellulite, which is also a serious cosmetic defect. The methods of treating cellulite are different, but in the first and second stages of the development of the "orange peel", lymphatic drainage is often used, a physiotherapy procedure that allows to eliminate excess fluid in the tissues. In addition, lymphatic drainage is effective in combating cosmetic imperfections such as bags under the eyes, swelling of the face and vascular network on the legs.